sábado, 16 de noviembre de 2013

Blog about william

Hello everybody my name is William and I will talk here on this blog about myself.

This is a picture of me on may 2013

I describe myself like a person fighter that always want to learn new things and get better along the time. I am worried about this people that is happening bad times and also the poor people , often I think on them, on families with problems, chlids, teenagers and youg people with troubles. To all of them I tell them to fight, not to give up, try to find a work, study some profession that is not necesary that it be important, I give you some examples, you can learn languages and be teacher and have pupils and get money for the language classes. Another work could be taking some relaxing massage lessons on a massage academy or in some place that can teach you making massages relaxant and later with sometime and if you study and have good notes you can get your diplome. And it´s a good profession you can work in so many places or you can make massages at home. you can be teacher of everything I advice you to study first and later making the classes, have imagination.

I like music, I like to sing, I like to perform songs. I  am a composer , I´m starting on this of composition of the melody and the lyrics of a song but I think I am good. I want to receive formation in some academy in europe, learn everything in the world of music , play instruments, learn to dance better, compose better. I would like in future to be a very good producer and produce artists groups and bands. On the next video screen link from my you tube channel I share with you a song named " I want to have some fun" that is a good son, it´s a pop- rock style and have a beautiful melody and lyrics, it´s fresh and something new. I hope you like my song:

Now I´m in process to study musical instruments like acoustic guitar, piano, professional keyboards and some languages like french , german and russian. Because I think it could help me on my life and on my work also in my social life.

Picture of me performing about on 2009- 2010

Also I like culture from some countriens from the world from the whole continenf of america, europe, russia, asia, oceania. I like to travel so much and when I have time I travel to some city or some place for some days, I advice you to enjoy your life while more you can enjoy it it would be better for you, try to be someone important, or someone kind on your life.

This is a part of me, and my interests, maybe on future blogs I tell you more things about me, stay connected for future updates on my blogger. on the next video screen link I share with you a playlist from my youtube channel some performances live that I sing and looks very good. I hope you like it.

Well this is the end of my blog, stay connected for more blogs I will upload new interesting themes and information often.

Have a nice day, Bye.

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